mercatino del tempo che fù

The 2nd Sunday in September subbiano
The final day of Festival of finished summer opens with the market of the past , from the early hours of the morning and it animates the streets of the old town with the suggestive re-enactment of the ancient farmer's market for exchange and sale of local handicrafts and agricultural production.

"Centro Commerciale Setteponti"
a 13Km
"Valdichiana Outlet Village"
Foiano della Chiana
a 51 km
"Barberino Designer Outlet"
Barberino del Mugello
a 121km
Festa dell' Uva

The 2nd Sunday in September subbiano
The event, named in honor of the customs, peasant costumes and traditions that intends to recall, takes place starting from early in the afternoon with a parade in the streets of the country in the nineteenth century peasant costumes grape wagons and is gladdened by the presence of musical bands and folk groups in the parade costume. The carousel horse opens the exhibition with the 800 - '900 carriages, it follows the historical procession in the medieval period costumes depicting the nobility, the prelates, the armigeni and the people of those times, accompanied by flag-waving group of drummers and chiarine. After there is the parade with grape wagons of the various fractions of Subbiano ( Calbenzano, Casa Marga, Castelnuovo, Chiaveretto, Falciano, Vogognano ) and other carts that distribute grapes, sweet, roasted chestnuts, wine and vin santo. All of the cars are in competition to win the title "the wagon more beautiful".
Fiera dell' Antiquariato

1st Sunday of the month
Born in 1968, it was the first antiquarian manifestation having a regular basis and lasting success in a unique setting: the medieval heart of the city of Arezzo and its history. Exhibitors are now more than 500, come from all over Italy and offer their items with a very broad overview of the cultural traditions and regional consumption and an inexhaustible source of research for small and large collectors. The statement in the time of the event has meant that, alongside exposure outdoors, grow the number of antique shops, from large exhibitions to traditional antique shops whose setting still reflects in many cases the same heterogeneity that is in antiques fair where furniture, paintings and objects, different from each other, not only for age but also for quality, are mixed in a "messy" leaving the visitor the pleasure of discovery.
Giostra del Saracino

Second Saturday of June, first Sunday of September
The Giostra of Saracino is a medieval historical re-enactment that takes place in the city of Arezzo. There are four districts in which the city is divided: the District of Porta Crucifera (also known as Colcitrone), the District of Porta del Foro (also known as San Lorentino), the Porta Sant'Andrea Quarter and Quarter Porta Holy Spirit (formerly the village Gate). Giostra is a historical re-enactment in medieval costume that takes place in Arezzo presumably from the thirteenth century. It is an ancient knightly competition that has its origins in the Middle Ages and which is to hit a target, place the shield of Buratto (a revolving robot impersonating the "King of the Indies"), with a spear at the end of fast riding career. All without getting hit by the flail, braced by the Buratto itself, which is actuated by a spring mechanism. In the beginning, probably this to ride against a puppet was a military exercise that slowly assumed the manifestation characteristics in which the knights during special celebrations or simply to demonstrate their skills are challenged. Dante Alighieri speaks about this giostra in Divina Commedia, at the beginning of canto XXII, in some famous triplets:
« Io vidi già cavalier muover campo,
e cominciar stormo a far lor mostra,
e tal volta partir per loro scampo;
corridor vidi per la terra vostra,
o Aretini, e vidi gir gualdane,
fedir torneamenti e correr giostra;
quando con trombe, e quando con campane,
con tamburi e con cenni di castella,
e con cose nostrali e con istrane; »
About games with spears (hastiludia), held in the city of Arezzo to celebrate the happy outcome of a diplomatic mission in the land of France, speaking instead in two letters addressed to the Avignon Curia in November 1331 by the Tarlati, lords of Arezzo. In the Renaissance, these spectacles became a great attraction; we have some news of "rides to burattum" throughout the sixteenth century, during the arrival of celebrities in town or for important occasions such as the manifestation of 1535 dedicated to San Donato. Even in the 1600 there were very popular rides and, from that del1677 in honor of St. Nicholas, we have the first written policy with lots of board points. Carousel of 1684 instead makes us a broad and detailed account Federigo Nomi, Anghiari, which was dedicated to the edition of September 2005, on the occasion of the third centenary of the death. Another famous tournament was to Petrarch for 1904 celebrations, which took place on the Lawn round (the park in front of the Medici Fortress) and where to perform the Dragons reached the House of Savoy.
Data | Evento | Luogo |
1° weekend di Gennaio | Fiera dell'Antiquariato | Arezzo |
1° weekend di Febbraio | Fiera dell'Antiquariato | Arezzo |
1° weekend di Marzo | Fiera dell'Antiquariato | Arezzo |
1° weekend di Aprile 25 Aprile 4°weekend di Aprile |
Fiera dell'Antiquariato Sagra della Trota Sagra del Fagiolo Zolfino |
Arezzo Loro Ciuffenna Terranuova Bracciolini |
1° weekend di Maggio 25 Maggio |
Fiera dell'Antiquariato Banchetto Medievale |
Arezzo Castiglion Fiorentino |
1° weekend di Giugno 2° weekend di Giugno 3° weekend di Giugno 4° sabato di Giugno |
Fiera dell'Antiquariato Festa della Birra Sagra delle Sagre Giostra del Saracino (notturna) |
Arezzo Ponte a Poppi Bibbiena Arezzo |
1° weekend di Luglio 2° weekend di Luglio 3° weekend di Luglio |
Fiera dell'Antiquariato Sagra della Bistecca Sagra della Bistecca Fiera della Birra Artiginanale |
Arezzo Olmo Olmo Castiglion Fiorentino |
1° weekend di Agosto 2° weekend di Agosto 3° weekend di Agosto 4° weekend di Agosto |
Fiera dell'Antiquariato Sagra della Bistecca Sagra del Tortello alla Lastra Sagra del Fungo Porcino Festa di Finestate Festa di Finestate Polifonico Guido d'Arezzo |
Arezzo Cortona Correzzo Cortona Subbiano Subbiano Arezzo |
1° weekend di Settembre 1° domenica di Settembre 1° lunedì di Settembre 2° weekend di Settembre 2° domenica di Settembre 3° weekend di Settembre |
Fiera dell'Antiquariato Festa di Finestate Sagra della Porchetta Giostra del Saracino Cortona Antiquaria Fiera di Settembre Festa di Finestate Mercatino del Tempo che Fù Festa dell'Uva Streetfood Village |
Arezzo Subbiano Monte San Savino Arezzo Cortona Subbiano Subbiano Subbiano Subbiano Arezzo |
1° weekend di Ottobre 3° weekend di Ottobre 4° weekend di Ottobre |
Fiera dell'Antiquariato Fiera del Miele I Giorni di Bacco Mercatino Internazionale I Giorni di Bacco |
Arezzo Arezzo Castiglion Fiorentino Arezzo Castiglion Fiorentino |
1° weekend di Novembre 2° weekend di Novembre |
Fiera dell'Antiquariato I 100 Gusti dell'Appennino Festa di San Martino & dei Bringoli |
Arezzo Anghiari Anghiari |
1° weekend di Dicembre dall'8 Dicembre |
Fiera dell'Antiquariato Mercatini di Natale |
Arezzo Arezzo |